News from our Executive Management Committee

At the SCCL Management committee meeting on 22/01/24, the Chairman, Gordon smith, Vice Chairman, Jamie Dowley and Treasurer, Mike Hall, individually informed the meeting that they will be stepping down from their Executive positions at the AGM in November of 2024.

Secretary Matt Porter is happy to continue in post. The 3 retiring executive officers will continue to give the SCCL their full commitment and attention until November 2024. 

Given the scale of change in personnel it was decided that Life member Dave Ralphs will chair a special meeting of the Management committee in March where a succession plan will be discussed .

All Clubs will of course be invited to nominate people for all officer positions at the AGM as per the constitution. 

The committee would like to thank Gordon, Jamie and Mike for the hard work they have done for SCCL, over many years.
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